
Tee Johnson Grimes - Minster T

Has anyone ever seen you with nothing on? I mean people who you didn’t want to see you naked, and those you desired to see you naked, but didn’t appreciate it. Whether it was a man or a woman. Read this and I promise you will understand my nakedness.


Sometimes life can cause you to be left out with nothing on. It may cause you to be just as naked as if you were freshly coming out of your mother’s womb. Naked you arrived in this world and if you are not careful, naked you can become in this world. The issues of life can violate you and place you in some places you don’t want to be, especially when you don’t know who you are and how valuable you are to yourself and the opposite sex. We are queens and kings, but sometimes we got to get used, abused, mistreated, beat, hurt, shot, banged, raped, violated, divorced, abandoned, talked about, left for dead, or whatever in order to get us to a place , where we say, “What else has to come off in my life?”

I am naked, exposed and filthy . How can one get this scum and filth off as the dirt begins to set in your nakedness while being seen by so many? Will I ever be restored from this? Will I be cleansed and made pure again? Will this scum ever resurface over me? Well if you open this book and begin reading , you will see just how you can overcome all of this , just simply by stripping.